Tag Archives: Pei Wei

Thanks but no thanks

30 Jul

So these past few weeks I’ve been on a carb overload… Thanks to my mom who had a craving for bagels, there was a baker’s dozen from Panera Bread  lying around the house.  I’ve been known to chug a green smoothie with the best of them but I’m not that strong when it comes to bread especially when they come asiago cheese and cinnamon crunch flavored.

Any-who yesterday my sis and I was in an adventurous mood after church , so instead of our usual Chipotle we decided between Pei Wei or Gyroville. Never having either we chose Pei Wei,I had some Pei Wei Spicy Shrimp while my sis had Caramel chicken. At first  i was so intrigued by their soda machine that offered different flavored sprites and cokes, that i forgot all about the food. But i digress, The food was good but it was a bit on the high sodium side for my sis and I.  I truly believe its cause our body hasn’t been use to sodium levels like this in a long time ,since 75% of our daily intake is low in sodium or close to natural as we can get.

It was an interesting experience, but a few hrs later my sis and i felt like crap and i had a burning sensation on my chest that wouldn’t go away….All in all, Thanks but no thanks Pei Wei  -_-