Archive | August, 2012

A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away

22 Aug

So as of late, I’ve been incorporating apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. It is said that drinking vinegar with water and honey is good for your overall health and is said to relieve just about any ailment you can think of… I’ve tried it and it wasn’t the smoothest thing to go down . But i found a great way to drink apple cider vinegar without having to endure the bitter taste. The way i go about it is by adding it into my green smoothies and blending it. If done right with a cap full of vinegar,  You get the taste of  the green smoothie without the bitterness of  the vinegar. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! (literally but not figuratively of course lol) .I use Bragg’s organic which to me have a sweeter apple taste if that makes any sense, but any apple cider vinegar will do…Drink to Health my friends!

Bittersweet Conclusion

10 Aug

Over the weekend i went to my sister in law baby shower,where i was the photographer of the night.   This has been the first time that i was at a social gathering  where it was surrounded by food since my transition, and boy was it tough. Even though i was the photographer there was still time for me to sit back and relax with my fam and eat. At first i was worried that i would not find much to eat that were meat free, but they had that covered.  For the first time in my life, i headed to that infamous vegetable tray that no one ever goes to, as well as the fruit and cheese tray. But then the host of the party muttered 3 words that changed the night for me: “Homemade Crab Ragoon”. Yep, these 3 words had me go in overdrive, here comes the sweet Cuban pastries, and fried seasoned dough  …. To say the least, i was full before the main courses  was actually ready, which made me  free to take pics of the event all night long. Once the cake was rolled out  i couldn’t take another bite, my body was still  working on the appetizers. Poor thing hadn’t had this much work to do in months . So i came to the conclusion that night, more fruits and veggies and less fried carb goodness. All in all It was a bittersweet conclusion to a fun filled night!

My first try

5 Aug

If you been following  my blog, you might notice that I’m not much of a cook. I love to make no cook dishes but a girl cant live off of sandwiches and wraps her whole life.  So with the help from my dad and sis, i made seasoned yellow rice.  It seemed confusing at first, but i eventually got the hang of it.  In my family we don’t go by the directions on the box. We saute onions, garlic ,shallots  and other ingredients in the pot before actually making the rice. When it was done i served it with my mom’s stewed okra that she made that night. My whole family raved about it which they usually don’t when it comes to my cooking. So i knew they weren’t blowing steam up my caboose lol …I can’t wait to wow them with my next dish :).