Sunday Afternoon (The Daniel Fast )

16 Jan

So it’s day 15 of my Daniel Fast and despite some of the hunger pains i get through out the day I feel pretty good.  Before i started the fast, I’ve been reading the Bible from the beginning (Genesis).  I just happen to be mid-way thru  the book of Numbers when i started the Fast. It really cool to just read about how God had specific plans for the Israelites but it was cause of their attitudes the journey took longer than it really was suppose to. It makes you think about how much things in our lives could have been easier but our attitudes made getting to that point more difficult. It has definitely been an eye opener.

This pass weekend after Church, my sister and i decided to go to lunch .We wanted to stay within the guidelines of the fast so we practically drove around in circles thinking of places we can eat. After 30 minutes of driving  we  decided to eat at Whole foods to make our live easier. We hit the salad bar and tried anything that was vegan and non dairy, we also read the ingredients on each to see if they were natural as possible.

The conclusion was a bowl fill of Tabbouleh, Asian Noodles, Pico De Gallo, Steamed vegetables, Beets with Ginger and a Roasted Tomato Soup. I know the Daniel Fast guidelines suggest water as the only Beverage,but i have a gag reflex when i consume  too much water. Sounds weird i know but that how my body operates. So when eating meals like this i chooses unsweetened Green Tea. It’s not exactly the best tasting drink in the world but it help me to better digest food a whole lot better at the same time getting lots of antioxidants.

Never in a million years would i thought i would be eating this way let alone fasting for 40 days, but this experience has definitely showed me that if i put my mind to it i can do it with God’s help.

Have you ever tried the Daniel Fast? If so let me know about your experience.


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