Tag Archives: tabbouleh

Kale and lentil tabbouleh salad

31 Jan


Tis the season to catch the flu, and boy did it catch me. With a new semester beginning I really didn’t have the time to get sick. So I upped my vitamin C intake to battle the symptoms but my body just wasn’t having it. So I raised the white flag and gave my body some rest.  For days I had no appetite and longed for my green smoothies , but soup and tea was the only thing on the menu. When I finally had some relief  and an appetite I decided to make me a big salad mixed with kale and lentil tabbouleh. This was my first time using baby kale, which in my opinion is very bitter compared to whole leaf kale but it was nutritious nonetheless. This is definitely  going to be a staple salad  for me,its nutritious and tasty and only took five minutes to make. I’ve attached the recipe below:

3 handful of Kale

2 Hass avocados diced

2 Tomatoes diced

1/2 cup of any brand Lentil tabbouleh salad



Salads Galore

13 Dec

Oh how i miss you guys!!! These past few weeks have been hectic but I’m so glad that its coming to an end. Piled with projects after project i’ finally have some down time to update you guys.

Lately I’ve been trying to eat more vegan type foods. I really want to get use to eating raw foods in its naturalness where the ingredients in the product is just a few things i am able to pronounce. So one day for lunch, i stopped by whole foods and decided to try out the salad bar,and picked out anything that looked good and satiating. So i made a big bowl of Lentil Tabbouleh, Cranberry Couscous salad and a Savory Quinoa salad. They all were a bit different but surprisingly not bad. I’ve noticed most of these salads are about flavors and the common ingredients is ONIONS, if you don’t like onions its pretty much unbearable but if you do then this is a great choice. I got to say though it was nice trying something new and experimenting, i wouldn’t switch out to eat these salads everyday but every now and than with some salmon would be great.

Have your tried Tabbouleh or any Grain Salads before? What are your thoughts?
