Be Kind, Why Dont Ya?

11 Jun

I came across Kind Fruit and Nut bars while on a trip to my local Whole foods, but I found that they sell these also at Publix in their GreenWise organic section. I’ve tried other flavors but this hands down  is my favorite. Almonds and Coconut to me is like peanut butter and jelly, they just go so well together.  The thing i love about these is that they use natural ingredients  so you getting  a good amount of  almond and coconut and no artificial flavors .  Another thing i love about this bar too is that its made with honey and not fructose corn syrup. As I’m transitioning  I’m trying my best to stay away from a lot of processed food mainly ones that contains FCS. There’s no particular reason why, but its just a preferences that i decided to go along with when i started transitioning . In my area these tend to be sold at $1.79 each which is a bit pricey, but i find myself never being able to eat a whole bar in one sitting cause this bar is quite filling for me . So i tend to eat one half  during my morning snack and the rest for my afternoon snack which works out great for my pockets lol.

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