Tag Archives: apple cider vinegar

Tip of the day: Health and Beauty starts in the kitchen

23 Sep

Okay so this post has nothing to do with food, but i just needed to share this with you guys!  Since I’ve been transitioning , I’ve been really into trying natural things in place of everyday products.I have sensitive skin, especially lips so I’m already cautious of products that i use, but using all natural things that can be found in nature and the kitchen is pretty fun and cheap.   I’ve recently  switch over to glycerin soap in place  of the standard soap and switch from baby oil to  coconut oil mix with a little bit of cocoa butter for my legs. My skin is now brighter, softer and moisturized than its ever been.For my hair I mix full fat  yogurt, avocados, olive oil, coconut cream and oil  to my conditioners and let it sit in my hair for about an hour , this has made  my hair so moisturized and strong that transitioning from relaxer to natural has been quite easier. Before going to bed i wash my  face and apply apple cider vinegar (you can dilute with water if too harsh) as a toner for a few minutes and rinse. The results are bright even tone glowing skin when you wake up. (I suggest doing  this in the night because the smell of vinegar is a bit overpowering). But this new thing I’ve been doing thanks to my sister for putting me on, is oil pulling. You swoosh any kind of nut oil, sesame being the preferred oil  in your mouth for about 15-20 minute and spit it out (Don’t do this in your sink or toilet, you’ll clog it!) .Doing this detoxify the body and rids the body of toxins, the past few days that I’ve done it I noticed: I felt well rested, my dark circles were practically gone, my teeth were whiter and brighter and somewhat straighter. I know you’re reading this and saying Keren you teeth are straighter from swishing oil in your mouth, get out of here?!?  But Hey it might be my mind playing tricks on me ,but I’m liking what i see so far.

If you notice all these thing i listed are thing that can be found in the grocery store or kitchen. They all don’t have that great scents and perfumes that most product we buy have. But you can get great results that helps with just a fraction of the cost with things that are already in you kitchen.Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Image Credit: Google Images

A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away

22 Aug

So as of late, I’ve been incorporating apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. It is said that drinking vinegar with water and honey is good for your overall health and is said to relieve just about any ailment you can think of… I’ve tried it and it wasn’t the smoothest thing to go down . But i found a great way to drink apple cider vinegar without having to endure the bitter taste. The way i go about it is by adding it into my green smoothies and blending it. If done right with a cap full of vinegar,  You get the taste of  the green smoothie without the bitterness of  the vinegar. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! (literally but not figuratively of course lol) .I use Bragg’s organic which to me have a sweeter apple taste if that makes any sense, but any apple cider vinegar will do…Drink to Health my friends!