A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away

22 Aug

So as of late, I’ve been incorporating apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. It is said that drinking vinegar with water and honey is good for your overall health and is said to relieve just about any ailment you can think of… I’ve tried it and it wasn’t the smoothest thing to go down . But i found a great way to drink apple cider vinegar without having to endure the bitter taste. The way i go about it is by adding it into my green smoothies and blending it. If done right with a cap full of vinegar,  You get the taste of  the green smoothie without the bitterness of  the vinegar. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! (literally but not figuratively of course lol) .I use Bragg’s organic which to me have a sweeter apple taste if that makes any sense, but any apple cider vinegar will do…Drink to Health my friends!

4 Responses to “A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away”

  1. healthygirlandthecity August 22, 2012 at 2:29 pm #

    i feel like i keep seeing articles re: the benefits of apple cider vinegar when used daily… not a bad idea adding it to a green smoothie either!

    • keke86 August 22, 2012 at 3:57 pm #

      It sure is! If you’re already doing green smoothies daily , it just makes taking the vinegar shots that easy! 🙂

  2. alotonyourplate August 26, 2012 at 9:41 am #

    My sister swears by this stuff. She will only use Braggs, nothing else.

    • keke86 August 29, 2012 at 9:07 am #

      Lol, I can see why Braggs apple cider have a different taste than other vinegars in my opinion .

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