Tag Archives: smoothies

Clean Eating Vegan Challenge

7 Dec

I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of  person that can eat the same thing for a couple days and never get tired of it.  So when I decided that I was going to do a clean eating challenge where all my meals or at least two meals would be clean I knew I wouldn’t get tired of the redundancy. So with a little bit of research and preparation I made a simple meal plan of  easy clean vegan type meals that i can  prepare or find if I decide to eat out.  With Starbucks  and Whole Foods it was  pretty much a cakewalk. Of course you don’t have to frequent those places to find vegan items , but it sure make life easier. Below I added a few examples of the type of meals I eat when on the challenge.


Hot Tea or Coffee  (unsweetened) with:

Green Smoothie(16 ounce)


Super-Antioxidant Oatmeal/ Plain oatmeal with seeds and nuts


Morning Snack

Green Smoothie (8-16ounce)


Fresh Fruit or Trail-mix



Hot Tea or Kombucha with:

Lentil Tabbouleh with Kale and  Hummus


Nut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with a banana


Super-Antioxidant Oatmeal/ Plain oatmeal with seeds and nuts



Hot Tea or Kombucha with:

Whole Grain Spaghetti with Kale, and California Blend Vegetable (Cauliflower, Broccoli and Carrot)


Sauteed spinach and Kale with onions and peppers  with sweet potatoes fries


The meals can be interchangeable or tweaked to your liking.The products can be fresh or frozen but avoid canned foods, preservatives and additives as much as possible. Check the ingredients if buying frozen and dried fruits and veggies, and stick to products that have simple ingredients. Check out the recipe  for my Super-Antioxidant  Oatmeal below:


Super-Antioxidant  Oatmeal

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup water or almond milk
  • handful of organic raisins,organic goji berries and organic prunes for sweetness
  • handful of organic pumpkin seeds and organic hemp seeds for nuttiness

Mix the oatmeal and almond milk and cook for 3-5 minutes, then top with the seeds and nuts of your liking. If  you want more of a sweetness add honey or maple syrup.

FYI: This can be made as overnight oats as well, just add the toppings in the morning.

Happy Cooking!



Banana Nog

25 Nov

It’s my favorite time of the year! Not just because its the holiday season, but because its the only time of the year where you can buy an unlimited supply of egg nog. Growing up egg nog was always a staple at all our family festivities, so I’ve grown accustom to looking forward to it.  So while grocery shopping for Thanksgiving this week, I went searching for some new egg nog to try out. I found plenty of  new brands to try but to my dismay all the brands contained carrageenan.  There’s been numerous talk about this additives being bad for your health and possibly carcinogenic so I personally stay away from products that contains it. So I decided this year I would make my own “egg nog”.

I’m personally not a fan of eggs so I chose to do an egg-less egg-nog with very simple ingredients. This recipe was so thick and creamy and easy to make that I will definitely be making this year round. I hope that you do too! Happy Thanksgiving!

Banana Nog

  • 3 Frozen Ripe Bananas (diced)
  • 1 Cup of Almond Milk (Unsweetened)
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Whipped Cream (optional)

Blend till you get a thick smooth consistency and top with whip cream for a festive look.

Tip: If you want it more thick add more bananas , more thinner add more milk. If your banana aren’t ripe add some of your favorite type of sweetener.

Vegan nog

New year, New day!

6 Jan

Its a new year and a new day! I’ve been on a a little hiatus from updating you guys but with things changing up a bit I plan on having more time to blog with you guys.  Around this time of the year,  I usually do a fast for 40 days In preparation of that  I went to the  farmer’s market to purchase some produce.  From kiwis, pears, starfruits, clementines, bananas  and lemons, I was well equipped to make  tropical green smoothies for days for under 15 bucks. Though its great to buy green juices or smoothies on the go, the cost adds up. With a little bit of time and preparation 15 bucks of produce can stretch well into a week. I for one love the fresh taste of Kale in my smoothies because it gives it a fresh grass taste but Kale goes bad really quick. So in order to prevent that I wash my kale in vinegar and  water  and zip lock them, keeping one bag in the fridge and one in the freezer. Though the frozen batch never taste the same as the fresh batch its close compared to the frozen bagged Kale found in grocery stores. Check out my recipe below:

Tropical Oasis Green Smoothie

Fresh Kale

Fresh/ Frozen pineapple chunks

1 or  2 clemetines (peeled)

handful of frozen grapes

Coconut water or Water

Blend and enjoy!

FYI: I almost always use frozen pineapples so I rarely incorporate ice in my smoothies.

tropical fruit basket

Half Day Cleanse -Blueberry Oats and Green Pineapple smoothie

5 Aug

The summer is made to have fun, unfortunately this summer my face has been stuck in the books. I’m realizing more and more each day that the life of a grad student is not so fun.  With the added stress of school along with work i really haven’t been eating the way I’ve like to. Fries, Pizzas, Cake, Lasagna  and anything fried has been on the menu for the past few weeks. So i decided i need to change things up and do a half day cleanse, where the first half of the day its smoothies and a light snack if need be with a  late lunch and dinner as usual. With plans in mind of doing this cleanse, i went to whole foods looking to find a new source of protein , and found hemp seeds. I usually buy hemp protein powder but i hate the chalky texture protein powder in general leaves so i was hoping that this would work.

So in replace of ordinary protein powder,I milled handfuls of  Raw Rolled Oats, Flax-seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds in my Nutri-Bullet and use it as protein powder.  I used it in my Blueberries Oats smoothies and Green Pineapple smoothie that’s picture below. I also  tried a new addition to my smoothies for a sweeter taste this time: 2 medjool  dates and one dried fig in each batch. They didn’t blend thoroughly but i didn’t mind the the sweet bits that they brought. Down below are the recipe for both smoothies.

Blueberry Oats

  • Blueberries (Frozen)
  • Protein Mixture
  • Coconut water
  • Water
  • 2 medjool dates
  • 1 dried fig
  • extra cup of oatmeal (for heartiness)

Green Pineapple

  • Spinach(Frozen)
  • Pineapple (Frozen)
  • Protein mixture
  • Coconut water
  • water
  • 2 medjool dates
  • 1 dried fig

I made three for the day, underestimating the power of my protein mixture and only drank one and a half  that morning. If you’re looking to do a full day cleanse, you can do six jars a day with water in between each. I for one prefer smoothies than juicing cleanse for the mere fact that they are more filling  to me. But what’s great about these recipes is that they are so  tasty that they can be made for cleanses or anytime of the day. blogsmoothi

Switching things up a bit: Tropical Oats Smoothie

10 May

One thing about me is that i like trying new things, Food wise but I’m not much of a risk taker in other aspect. So since transitioning  I’ve been a green smoothie drinker addict. I went from one smoothie a day to sometimes three, I went from super sweet smoothies to barley  sweet smoothies the list goes on.  But I wanted to switch things up a bit cause a girl can only take so much green smoothies. So i decided to do  raw oatmeal smoothies instead, trust me I’m not sure how i came to that decision but it made perfect sense at that moment.   This is very similar to the No cook oat smoothie i did when i first started transitioning, but this has more nutritional and tasty  ingredients. I was excited and nervous to try this recipe because I’ve been on a mission to avoid food and drinks high in arginine for personal reason. So oatmeal was an issue, but i kept it to organic raw rolled oats ( it is said that instant oatmeal has a high arginine content but who knows).  Since I was avoiding nuts all together due to the foods i was avoiding  almond milk was a no go , so i opted  for SO Coconut milk unsweetened vanilla and Chobani Vanilla Greek yogurt.

So after i had those main staples ingredients, i  then added mix ins of fruits, juices and teas and water all to my liking. On this particular day this was what  i like to call my Tropical Oats Smoothie. If you follow me by now, you should know i  free hand everything so i  don’t have exact measurements. But, here’s the run down on my hearty nutritious smoothie

  • Organic Raw Rolled Oats
  • Coconut Milk Unsweetened (can use sweetened if preferred and any kind of milk)
  • Greek Yogurt Vanilla
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Tropical Blend Frozen Fruits (Banana, Pineapple, Mango)
  • a small ripe banana
  • Coconut Water (optional)
  • Unsweetened  Green Ice Tea ((optional)
  • A couple dashes of cinnamon

Mix all that together and you get a satiating tropical  oatmeal smoothie. I find that using the NutriBullet give a  smooth silkiness that i never achieved with my blender ,but if you’re having  a hard time mixing add more liquid to the blender till you get the consistency that you want.

FYI: I don’t add protein powder because I’m not a fan of the gritty taste. If you want a hearty high fiber smoothie for breakfast,  sans protein powder double up on the the yogurt and oatmeal. This smoothie can be made a head of time and stored in the fridge in an air tight container for 1-2 days. A great on the go breakfast option but great for any time of the day as well!


Drink to health

27 Mar

Hey loves, It’s been a crazy couple weeks and the next few weeks will be too but i wanted to stop everything and say hi. With assignments, projects and quizzes due simultaneously on top of being sick 3 types of ways with a full time job, Updating you guys had taken the back burner. But I’m back and better than ever!  With all that’s has been going on i hadn’t really been eating the healthiest but i make sure to get at least 2 if not 3 green smoothies a day. This has help me to recover from being sick quicker than usual without the need for medicine. When sick i like to make a super alkalizing  green smoothie, that basically flush out toxins out my body while giving me the provided nutrients my body need. What’s in my Super alkalizing green smoothie you ask?

  • bunches of Kale and Spinach (fresh or/and frozen)
  • Pineapple chunks (Frozen)
  • Green Grapes
  • Water
  • Coconut water
  • Unsweetened Green Tea (can be bought in store, i use whole foods bottled version)
  • Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Matcha Green Tea
  • Spirulina Tablets
  • Wheat Grass powder/ tablets
  • Vibrant Health GreenVibrance powder
  • Honey(Optional)
  • Avocado(Optional)
  • Hemp protein(optional)
  • Flax-seeds and Chia seeds (optional)

I know you’re thinking i just gave you a laundry list of ingredients, but the cool things about green smoothies are that you can put whatever you want in them.These ingredients listed are high in antioxidants and/or alkalizing to the body, With a bit of research your food can cure your sickness with no need for medicine. Drink to health my friends.

Best part of waking up is a Green smoothie in your cup

Best part of waking up is a Green smoothie in your cup

Mix it up!

1 Mar

Since  incorporating  green smoothies to my daily food intake, I feel healthier than ever. I went from one smoothie a day to two,  to sometimes even three. But just like shampoo once you start using it, it doesn’t feel that effective any more. So I switch up my smoothies every week or so,so my body doesn’t get use to drinking the same thing. So one week I’ll have  collard greens instead of kale and other times I’ll put spinach. I’ll also incorporated anything green, because green foods especially super-foods  are good for your body. I like to put in Wheat grass tablets as well as spirulina tablets or green super food packets to my morning smoothies, these give me  such a boost that coffee isn’t really needed. I also like to add Matcha Green tea sometimes to my smoothies for added  antioxidants. I’ve also tried incorporating hemp protein, but i can never get passed the chalky taste of protein powders. My recent mix-in that i think I’ll be incorporating  more often in my green smoothie is raw rolled oats. The raw oats give a hearty taste to the smoothies and has a great amount of fiber. I also love to mix in chia seeds and flaxseed to my smoothie for the omega -3 and the extra fiber that they provide.  Avocados are great mix-ins as well since they give a creamy texture to your smoothie but is also filling because of the good fats found in them. The best part about making these smoothie is you can put anything in there to your liking. With a little bit of research you can be on your way to a healthier you. Mix-in my friends! 🙂





Trip to the Farmers Market

8 Feb

So my sis and I decided to go to the farmers market to stock up on some fruits and veggies. We decided to be a little adventurous and try a new farmers market and finally decided on the Flamingo’s Farmer Market. This was more than a farmers market this was a plant Nursery as well. So this was basically a one stop shop kind of place, but we headed straight to the farmer market and stocked up on fruits and veggies for our Daniel fast . The prices were nothing short of the ordinary prices  at the regular grocery store but i did find a deal on beets.  I honestly have to say ,I  never thought i would like beets but i do.When you get pass the color they kinda of taste like earthy carrots. I haven’t juiced them or added them to my smoothies just yet but as a little snack they are pretty good.

On this particular Farmers Market trip I was on a mission to find some avocados.  There weren’t really on sale but i needed them specifically to make my green smoothies extra hearty.  I used one avocado for two 160z servings that i would drink throughout the morning at work.In addition to the avocados, i would add apples, flax-seeds, chia seeds and loosed leaf green tea along with my leafy greens and fruits. These smoothies were so thick that there were days that i would consume the smoothies for lunch instead cause they made me feel that full. I know they say that too much avocado is bad for, which i  really  don’t believe. But after this fast i will be taking a break from avocados only because I’ve gotten tired of it after 20 plus days of consuming it straight.






Road Trippin’

13 Sep

So Labor day weekend, my family and i decided to head on down to Key West to do some sightseeing and some good old family bonding. I can truly say that God has blessed me with a great family, I’m truly grateful and thankful for all of them.  They know how to put a smile on my face like no one else can, i love them!! 🙂

Since I love them so much, that morning instead of the usual portion i make everyday, i decided to make green smoothies for the whole family.  This particular smoothie was with Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Ginger, Pineapple and Starfruit. It was a great picker up for the 4hr drive ahead of us with no need for coffee. We packed up our hurricane snacks from Tropical Storm Isaac from earlier that week and headed out the door.

We arrived at  Duval Street around mid day and did some sightseeing and took pictures. We worked up an appetite and decided to grab lunch , at  a restaurant called Red Fish Blue Fish.I was really in the mood for fish tacos but they didn’t have it so i went with a Shrimp Po’ Boy. I’ve only had a Po’Boy once in my life so i couldn’t base it on anything i ever had before, but you can never go wrong when it comes to fried shrimp. It was a nice little place and their food was good. But the flying pigeon in the restaurant really through me off, wasn’t sure if it was part of the act or the poor pigeon didn’t realized it was indoors before hitting the ceiling fan. Either way, i felt bad for the couple that was sitting under the ceiling fan, lol…. All in all , Key west was interesting  but Road Tripping with the family is always fun no matter where we going. :).


Road Trip Essentials

A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away

22 Aug

So as of late, I’ve been incorporating apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. It is said that drinking vinegar with water and honey is good for your overall health and is said to relieve just about any ailment you can think of… I’ve tried it and it wasn’t the smoothest thing to go down . But i found a great way to drink apple cider vinegar without having to endure the bitter taste. The way i go about it is by adding it into my green smoothies and blending it. If done right with a cap full of vinegar,  You get the taste of  the green smoothie without the bitterness of  the vinegar. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! (literally but not figuratively of course lol) .I use Bragg’s organic which to me have a sweeter apple taste if that makes any sense, but any apple cider vinegar will do…Drink to Health my friends!