Tag Archives: green smoothies

Road Trippin’

13 Sep

So Labor day weekend, my family and i decided to head on down to Key West to do some sightseeing and some good old family bonding. I can truly say that God has blessed me with a great family, I’m truly grateful and thankful for all of them.  They know how to put a smile on my face like no one else can, i love them!! 🙂

Since I love them so much, that morning instead of the usual portion i make everyday, i decided to make green smoothies for the whole family.  This particular smoothie was with Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Ginger, Pineapple and Starfruit. It was a great picker up for the 4hr drive ahead of us with no need for coffee. We packed up our hurricane snacks from Tropical Storm Isaac from earlier that week and headed out the door.

We arrived at  Duval Street around mid day and did some sightseeing and took pictures. We worked up an appetite and decided to grab lunch , at  a restaurant called Red Fish Blue Fish.I was really in the mood for fish tacos but they didn’t have it so i went with a Shrimp Po’ Boy. I’ve only had a Po’Boy once in my life so i couldn’t base it on anything i ever had before, but you can never go wrong when it comes to fried shrimp. It was a nice little place and their food was good. But the flying pigeon in the restaurant really through me off, wasn’t sure if it was part of the act or the poor pigeon didn’t realized it was indoors before hitting the ceiling fan. Either way, i felt bad for the couple that was sitting under the ceiling fan, lol…. All in all , Key west was interesting  but Road Tripping with the family is always fun no matter where we going. :).


Road Trip Essentials

A shot of vinegar, keeps the doctor away

22 Aug

So as of late, I’ve been incorporating apple cider vinegar to my daily regimen. It is said that drinking vinegar with water and honey is good for your overall health and is said to relieve just about any ailment you can think of… I’ve tried it and it wasn’t the smoothest thing to go down . But i found a great way to drink apple cider vinegar without having to endure the bitter taste. The way i go about it is by adding it into my green smoothies and blending it. If done right with a cap full of vinegar,  You get the taste of  the green smoothie without the bitterness of  the vinegar. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! (literally but not figuratively of course lol) .I use Bragg’s organic which to me have a sweeter apple taste if that makes any sense, but any apple cider vinegar will do…Drink to Health my friends!

Summer Smoothie: Mango Madness

24 Jun

Ahhhh the summertime!  Long nights, hot days  and cool drinks…. My favorite thing about summer ,are the mangoes ! We wait all year round for them to ripen ,off our front yard tree.  While we are waiting for them to be hand picked ready, frozen mangoes chunks will just have to do.  Here’s my recipe for a summer green smoothie “cocktail”  that i call “mango madness” in it is 2 handfuls of spinach, a handful of mangoes chunks, and a dash of coconut water dash of aloe vera juice with pulp for sweetness and a cup of water.  And that my friends is a summer smoothie that  is tasty and refreshing all in one. Blend the summer away mi amigos! 🙂

Thought of the day: Alkalizing the body

19 Jun

As Promised, let’s talk about Alkalizing the body. Alkalizing the body is actually a key step to promoting overall health .Eating alkaline-rich foods helps to cleanse the body by flushing out acidic wastes caused by poor diet, environmental toxins, stress, drugs and other destructive substances. Incorporating  salads and green smoothies daily is a great way to alkalizing your body. Leafy greens are said to be the best and high alkaline forming foods,but there are others foods that contain them as well. Check the list below:

Cabbage Lettuce, Fresh
Cayenne Pepper
Peas, Fresh
Red Cabbage

Root Vegetables
Red Radish

Fresh Lemon

Brazil Nuts

Party in a glass

15 Jun

Since purchasing the NutriBullet, I’ve been having a smoothie or a “NutriBlast” once a day. Depending on how i feel on any given day , i might have two.  The other night was one of those any given days. I threw in a couple frozen bananas, strawberries and kiwis that i pre-cut earlier in the week with a handful of spinach and raw almonds. For texture and creaminess I added uncooked organic oats, hemp protein and almond milk.  I’ve done  this recipe for breakfast twice this week, and my family think its a hit!  The color might be off putting but it’s a party in a glass. Fruits, Leafy greens, Grains and Nuts, and Dairy. What more can you ask for?

Mean Green Blending Machine

28 May

Like i do every weekend, i decided to blend a green juice smoothie. I generally drink this as a snack or for breakfast,Its not the best looking thing in the world but its tasty. This smoothie contains Kale, Green Apples, Pears, Ginger, a Peach and a little bit of water.